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Together with our members, we have the opportunity to positively influence the deployment of intelligent transport systems in Bulgaria.

Why to become member of BITSA team?

Active participation in the implementation of BITSA objectives

Provide opportunities for participation in national and international BITSA projects

Access to up-to-date information related to the transport sector in Bulgaria

Participation in committees that perform expert functions

Support innovative ideas in the field of intelligent transport systems in order to turn them into pilot projects and/or successful business practices

Opportunity to participate in the work of the Board

Participation in the preparation of decisions of the Board of Directors and the Association

Special conditions, preferences and discounts provided by third parties for members of the Association

Participation in additional business activities of BITSA

Promoting your company's ideas and vision to the general public, institutions and the ITS sector

Networking and collaboration with the business industry in the field of ITS technology and innovation

Active participation in the implementation of BITSA objectives

Provide opportunities for participation in national and international BITSA projects

Access to up-to-date information related to the transport sector in Bulgaria

Participation in committees that perform expert functions

Support innovative ideas in the field of intelligent transport systems in order to turn them into pilot projects and/or successful business practices

Opportunity to participate in the work of the Board

Participation in the preparation of decisions of the Board of Directors and the Association

Special conditions, preferences and discounts provided by third parties for members of the Association

Participation in additional business activities of BITSA

Promoting your company's ideas and vision to the general public, institutions and the ITS sector

Networking and collaboration with the business industry in the field of ITS technology and innovation

Why to become member of BITSA team?

Want to become a member of the Bulgarian ITS Association?

Follow the steps below

Step 1

Read the BITSA Statutes carefully

Step 2

Review and complete the membership application form

Step 3

Submit your application and expect feedback from the BITSA team

step 4

You have questions about your BITSA membership. Send your request to

Current members

Infosystem internationa logo

Инфосистемс Интернешънъл ЕАД

Компанията е специализирана в дизайн, бизнес анализ, разработка, внедряване и поддръжка на информационни системи, използвайки опита и последните новости и стандарти в сферата на технологиите.


Това е компания, чиято основна дейност е свързана с дистрибуция на системи за интелигентен трафик.

Сиском Инженеринг АД

Сиском Инженеринг АД е българска компания с дългогодишен опит в сферата на Инфомационните и комуникационни технологии (ИКТ). Успешната реализация на разнообразни проекти в цялата страна ни превърна в иновативен партньор както на нашите бизнес клиенти, така и на държавните администрации.

Syscom Engineering logo

Types of membership

Full members

Legal entities - commercial companies that carry out activities similar to the object of activity and the goals of the Association and have a proven high professional level of the ITS goods, services or solutions offered by them or their partners.

Honored members

Legal entities - universities, scientific institutes, civil organizations, non-profit legal entities that have an interest and real activity in the development of ITS solutions, as well as state/municipal institutions.

Associate members

Individuals with knowledge and experience in ITS

Membership fee

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.